20th LESLLA Symposium Spring 2025 in Quebec City Canada

We are pleased to let you know that LESLLA's next face-to-face symposium is scheduled to be held in Quebec City, Canada, during the spring of 2025. The event will be co-hosted by Laval University and Université du Québec à Montréal. The francophone province of Quebec in Canada has been chosen as the venue for our 20th LESLLA Symposium. Until now, the Symposium has alternated between countries or regions where English is dominant and those where it is not. This alternation will now be broken. Now that the Symposium will be held in Quebec City, Canada, in 2025, this provides an excellent opportunity to embody LESLLA's values of multilingualism and pluriculturalism. We had also already emphasized this at the Symposium held in Barcelona in 2023, in the multilingual region of Catalonia.

It is with regret that we inform you that the annual LESLLA symposium will not take place this year, 2024, due to the lack of candidate institutions. This is the first interruption in the 19 years of our association, and we are all saddened by it. Our symposia are not only a forum for debate and exchange between researchers, teachers, policymakers and all those active in the field of literacy and second language teaching. They are also important to connect our community and present ourselves to the outside world.

We will certainly put in place initiatives (more Coffee breaks, meetings on specific topics, blogs) to give continuity and visibility to LESLLA's action.

In the second half of 2024, we will be able to give you more information about the 2025 Symposium. We will keep you informed through our website and social media.

LESLLA Organization