Ineke van de Craats, one of LESLLA’s founders


A discussion at the Symposium of LESLLA Palermo 2018


Martha Young Scholten


Jeanne Kurvers


Heide Spruck Wrigley


online LESLLA meeting


It all started in 2005 when…

… an international group of researchers saw the need for an international multidisciplinary forum to address the second language and literacy learning education needs of low or non-literate adults (L2), especially learners with migration or immigration backgrounds. The forum would focus on research, practice and policy. No such organization existed at that time. In 2005, they met at the University of Tilburg, the Netherlands. There the first Symposium took place, where LESLLA was formed. In 2025, LESLLA will exist for 20 years. In those 20 years, we have accomplished a lot: … So, time to celebrate!

As we celebrate LESLLA's 20th anniversary, we not only want to reflect on what we have accomplished but we also want to look forward to the future. We aim to create an inclusive event that brings together scholars, educators and practitioners from different parts of the world to discuss some of the key themes that have emerged from our symposia.

online Anniversary event October 19, 2024

To give all (future) LESLLA members the opportunity to participate, we are providing three online sessions in three different time zones:

  • Time zone A: UCT 7.00 - 9.30 AM

  • Time zone B: UCT 4.00 - 7.30 PM

  • Time zone C: UCT 9.00 - 11.30 PM

The same program structure in every time zone

  • A discussion with one of LESLLA's founders around a pre-recorded keynote.

  • A discussion with LESLLA experts in parallel breakout sessions on one of the key themes, as presented at one of the LESLLA symposia of the last five years.
    One or two presenters will introduce the topic on a video recording. Participants are asked to view this recording by October 19. In the break-out sessions, participants can further exchange their views on the topic. The presenters will also be available to answer questions and provide further explanation.

  • An open discussion
    An exchange on how LESLLA can continue its commitment to research, practice and policy and how to further increase the impact of LESLLA. The session will be led by a moderator who is highly experienced and knowledgeable in the LESLLA field.

A short version of the program can be found below.
The entire overview can be requested under this button:

A manifesto that helps shape LESLLA's future

The outcomes of the open discussion sessions and possibly also the points of interest that came up during the breakout sessions will be summarized and will lead to a manifesto in which we identify future priorities for LESLLA's mission in research, practice and policy. This manifesto will be presented at the LESLLA symposium in Québec City in 2025.

Between time zones, there are differences in the content of the program.

Time zone B also includes time for the annual All Members Meeting to which all LESLLA members are invited. The General Assembly will take place before the program for the 20th Anniversary.


Time zone A      UCT  7.00 AM - 9.30 AM

Keynote UCT 7.00 - 7.35 AM
“Developments in the LESLLA field: A critical reading of the symposia”
Keynote speaker: Martha Young  - Scholten

Parallel sessions in breakout rooms UCT 7.45 - 8.25 AM

  1. Teaching migrants and refugees for inclusion

  2. Reading and writing development

  3. Assessment & portfolio

  4. Remote learning

  5. Second Language Acquisition

Open discussion UCT 8.35 - 9.30 AM
Focus on: LESSLA strategy, following the strategic plan

Moderators: Fernanda Minuz Theresa Wall & Egle Mocciaro


Time zone B       UCT  4.00 PM - 7.30 PM

General Assembly UCT 4.00 PM
LESLLA members will receive an invitation to this.
If you are not a member of LESLLA, you may attend the meeting as a guest.

Keynote UCT 5.00 - 5.35 PM

“LESLLA learners and literacy acquisition: what research has brought us”
Keynote speaker: Jeanne Kurvers

Parallel sessions in breakout rooms UCT 5.45 - 6.25 PM

  1. Teacher / volunteer training

  2. Advocacy, language for education & work, rights, citizenship & social inclusion

  3. Plurilingualism / multilingualism

Open discussion UCT 6.35 - 7.30 PM
Focus on: How to link research and practice in the LESLLA field
Moderator: Larry Condelli Co-moderator: Joy Kreeft Peyton


Time zone C       UCT 9.00 PM - 11.30 PM

Keynote UCT 9.00 - 9.35 PM
“The relevance for LESLLA research, practice and policy”
Keynote speaker: Heide Spruck Wrigley

Parallel sessions in breakout rooms UCT 9.45 - 10.25 PM

  1. Teacher awareness and knowledge

  2. Classroom practice / Research on classroom practice

  3. Assessment & portfolio

Open discussion UCT 10.35 - 11.30 PM
Focus on: How to increase LESLLA impact on policies
Moderator: Stephen Reder Co-moderator: Heide Spruck Wrigley



For LESLLA members, participation is free. Non-members pay a contribution of US $50.-
If you decide to become a member, you can also indicate that on the application form.
At the top of the screen you will find the 'become a member' button.

Registration: 2 steps

  • Click on the button below. There you will find the registration form and, if applicable, information on how to pay the registration fee.

  • Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email containing a zoom link that will allow you access to participate in the sessions in all time zones, so participation in multiple time zones is possible.

Shortly after October 1, 2024, the special program site will open. On this program site you will find the buttons to the video recordings that you can watch in advance. You will also find there the abstracts of the presentations and short bios of the presenters.
We will inform you as soon as the program site opens. 

If you have any questions please email the special Anniversary address: