Professional Development 


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StuDy Circles 

The low-literacy adult ESL study circle guide brings LESLLA teachers together to explore research and practice related to teaching L2 adult emergent readers. ATLAS ABE also has a second study guide to build on this one, as well as a new study circle focused on teaching pronunciation.

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A LINCS project, ELL-U provides English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) practitioners with access to high quality online professional development and learning opportunities. One of the areas of focus is adult ESL learners who are emergent readers.


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Teaching Training Guides

There is a growing list of resources for supporting teachers of LESLLA learners.  If you know of others, let us know

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There are many webinars offered for TESOL professionals. COABE (Coalition on Adult Basic Education) offers some useful webinars for adult English language teachers.